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St. Edward High School has implemented a 1:1 learning program whereby all students are required to bring a personal computing device to all classes. Students from the Class of 2017 and 2018 may bring their own personal computing device or borrow a school-issued personal computing device. Students from the class of 2019 and 2020 must use their school-issued Chromebook. Terms and conditions with regards to Chromebook Rental are outlined in the “Chromebook Rental Agreement” document. Terms and conditions with regards to cell phone possession and use are set forth in the section entitled “Cell Phones.” The device shall meet the specifications outlined by the SEHS Technology Department as posted on the SEHS website. Students must keep the device in their possession or safely locked in their locker. Students are not to leave any device unattended at any time including while using a school designated charging station.


St. Edward High School cannot be held liable for unattended, lost, stolen, or damaged devices, whether such device is personally owned by the student or is a school provided device.


This policy applies to personal and school owned devices.




I. Personal Responsibility


By attending St. Edward High School, students agree not only to follow the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Agreement personally, but also not to participate with or in any way support, assist, encourage, view, or condone any misuse of any device, the computer network, or Internet by others. Misuse includes, but is not limited to, any violation of this Acceptable Use Agreement or any other use that is not included in the Acceptable Use Agreement, but has the effect of harming another person, his or her property, or the community of St. Edward High School.


II. Term of the Permitted Use


A student who attends St. Edward High School and complies with the Acceptable Use Agreement, to which he has agreed, will have the privilege of computer network and Internet access during the course of the current school year only. St. Edward High School complies with the requirements set forth in the Children Internet Protection Act (CIPA) effective April 20, 2001, and all updates provided therein.


III. Purpose and Use


Students are authorized to use their devices, the SEHS computer network, and Internet access in a manner consistent with the established instructional, research, and administrative objectives of SEHS. No other personal use of the computer network or Internet is condoned or allowed.


All students must abide by the rules of common network etiquette along with school and classroom expectations, which include, but are not limited to:


1. Using appropriate language. Swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or threatening language is prohibited.


2. Being safety conscious. Students are not to reveal personal information such as a home address and telephone number or arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone met on the computer network or Internet.


3. Bringing the device to school daily fully charged. In the event the device requires charging during the school day, students will utilize the school’s designated charging stations. In the event a student’s device malfunctions during the school day, the student can visit the SEHS Tech Support Desk for diagnostic evaluation and recommendations.


4. Checking school email and Haiku throughout the day, and Netclassroom on a daily basis including weekends and unexpected school closings (e.g. snow days).


5. Complying with the printing parameters defined by the SEHS Technology Department including printing only to student designated printers and observing the established printing page limit of 15 pages for a single document or single print job.


6. Installing antivirus software on all Microsoft Windows computers.


7. Storing data in the student’s designated network folder or google drive. Browsing for others’ network folders is prohibited.



Among uses that are considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of this Acceptable Use Agreement include:


1. Posting or forwarding personal communication without the author’s consent.


2. Posting anonymous content of any kind or form.


3. Posting, possessing, transmitting, or hosting offensive posts or messages that make religious, ethnic, racial, sexual, or gender related slurs/jokes, or transmit offensive, harassing messages, or pornographic material.


4. Violating the law or encouraging others to violate the law. Such violations include: intrusion of the SEHS computer network or devices of others; downloads or transmissions of confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials, even if materials are not identified with the copyright symbol. Students are to assume that all materials are copyright protected unless there is explicit permission to use them.


5. Using the SEHS computer network or Internet to cause harm to others or damage to property.


6. Defaming or harming a person’s reputation with falsehoods.


7. Impersonating another user.


8. Possessing, transmitting, hosting or uploading, a virus/malware of any kind, whether knowingly or unknowingly. In the event a virus/malware has been detected by the SEHS Technology Department, a student will have a maximum of three opportunities to clean his device of the virus/malware. In the event a student fails to comply, at a minimum, the student shall have his access to the computer network and Internet terminated for a time period set forth by the Dean of Students, and access may not be reinstated.


9. Accessing controversial, harmful, or offensive materials. All students and their parents/guardians are hereby advised that access to the computer network and Internet may include the potential for access to materials inappropriate for students. Students must take responsibility for their use of their device, the computer network and Internet. If a student finds that other students are visiting offensive or inappropriate sites, he should report such use to the SEHS Director of Technology.


10. Using the computer network for commercial transactions. Students may not sell or buy any products or services over the Internet while using the SEHS computer network. Advertising products and political lobbying are prohibited unless approved by the Principal or Dean of Students.


11. Utilizing any form of social networking sites in violation of the terms and conditions outlined in the section entitled “Social Networking Sites.”


12. Tethering devices into any mobile networks (e.g. mobile phones) while on campus is strictly prohibited.


13. Attempting to access a proxy server, anonymous proxy, or other type of website or browser that grants the student anonymous access to the Internet. On all devices, students must accept the limitations set forth on the school’s Internet access and must not attempt to, under any circumstance, circumvent in any way the school’s firewall and filtering.


14. Possessing sexually explicit images of minors on any device or phone is prohibited regardless of whether any state laws are violated. Any and all involved in sexting shall be subject to discipline which includes, but is not limited to the notification of parent(s)/guardian(s) and law enforcement. Devices, including phones, shall be searched if there is probable cause that a criminal violation has occurred, and may be searched if reasonable suspicion exists that the device or phone contains evidence of a violation of the terms and conditions set forth herein. SEHS administration shall use its discretion to determine an appropriate punishment on a case-by-case basis. Harassment and bullying related to sexting incidents is explicitly prohibited, and offenders may be subject to increased punishment where threats are made regarding the distribution of sexting images.


15. Downloading and/or utilizing bit torrents or any peer-to-peer downloading software is prohibited.


16. Probing the SEHS computer network in any way. Any type of technological activity that includes accessing or attempting to access the school’s network to obtain information that is not or should not be privy to students is considered unacceptable. These restrictions include, but are not limited to: attempting to hack into the network, installing software for hacking purposes, installing software that is known to be a hacking tool, attempting to gain lists of school IP addresses, attempting to circumvent school security, running utilities that are not specifically allowed by the SEHS administration, accessing or attempting to access network files and folders not explicitly allowed to students, unplugging cables from computers, and the like.


17. Permitting another student to use a student’s own issued account or password to access the computer network and Internet, including any student whose access had been denied or terminated. In the event a student is denied access, he should report to the Help Desk or library to request a reinstatement of his access


18. Accessing computer networks outside of the designated SEHS student or guest networks without the permission of the SEHS Technology Department is



IV. Privacy


Computer network and Internet access are provided as an educational tool. SEHS cannot guarantee the privacy of the content transmitted and stored on a student’s device. St. Edward High School reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice, any use of its network and all transmissions. All such information files shall be and remain the property of St. Edward High School and no student shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. In addition, SEHS reserves the right to monitor and inspect a student’s device, given just cause as determined by the Dean of Students. Any inspection of graphics, videos, or the like shall be reviewed by at least two (2) SEHS administrators. Students will be responsible for all material transmitted or stored on their device. Students will also ensure that the device will be free from all content that may compromise the SEHS network, equipment, or software or may be inconsistent with the mission and integrity of SEHS. Students shall promptly report any inappropriate or unsuitable materials received on their device to SEHS administration.


V. Failure to Comply with the Acceptable Use Agreement


The use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege not a right. All such unacceptable actions will be treated as vandalism of school property and discipline shall be administered accordingly, including loss of privileges. No exceptions are made if computer access is needed for a classroom assignment. A student who violates this Acceptable Use Agreement, at a minimum, shall have his access to the computer network and Internet terminated for a time period set forth by the Dean of Students, and access may not be reinstated. A student will be deemed to have breached this Acceptable Use Agreement not only by personally violating the terms herein, but also by participating with or in any way supporting, helping, encouraging, viewing, or condoning misuse by others. SEHS administration may take other disciplinary action beyond terminating access when deemed appropriate, up to and including expulsion.


VI. Warranties/Indemnification


St. Edward High School makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer network and the Internet provided under this Acceptable Use Agreement. The school shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs (including attorneys’ fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly by any student or his parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the student’s use of the computer network or the Internet under the terms herein. By accepting St. Edward High School’s Acceptable Use Agreement, the student takes full responsibility for his use. The parent(s) or guardian(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold St. Edward High School and all of its administrators, faculty, and staff harmless from any and all losses, costs, claims, or damages resulting from the student’s access to the computer network and the Internet and use of his device, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the student. The student or, if the student is a minor, the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) agree(s) to cooperate with St. Edward High School in the event the school initiates an investigation of a student’s possible breach of this Acceptable Use Agreement.





School Owned Device Loaning & Checkout Policy


The St. Edward High School Technology Department has a limited supply of Devices available for students to check out on an as-needed, short-term basis. Short term loaned devices (hereinafter referred to as a “loaners”) should be handled with care, kept secure

either in the student’s possession or in a locked locker, and returned immediately when no longer needed or when the rental period has concluded. Such cooperation extends the utility of the device and allows more students to benefit from this service.


Students who borrow equipment must do so in accordance with the following


1. Loaners are available to rent on a daily basis. If necessary, students may request an extended rental but will be responsible for keeping track of rental return and/or extension as needed.


2. If devices are not returned within 24 hours or by the return date, students will be notified


3. Detentions will continue as needed until a device is returned or reported lost or stolen.


4. Automated emails are sent notifying students of overdue rentals but it is the student’s responsibility to return items on time.


5. The Technology Department reserves the right to take revoke all rental privileges.


6. It is expected that every St. Edward High school student bring a functioning and fully charged device to school daily.


7. Students are responsible for the costs associated with any damage or loss incurred during the loaning period, as outlined in the acceptable use agreement. If the device is stolen or lost the student will be responsible for the full replacement cost of the device.


8. Loaner chargers will not be issued. Students may leave their device at the Tech Hut/Tech Support desk to charge or utilize one of the new fully equipped charging stations located in the Kahl Center, Library, Cafeteria, and Room 200. Charging stations only work for school issued Chromebooks.


9. Students will not be issued a new charger without reporting the previous charger lost/stolen and paying the $40 replacement fee.


10. Students are expected to charge their device nightly and are strongly encouraged to leave chargers at home to reduce the risk of loss or theft.


St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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