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Outright gifts by check or cash are immediately available for the school's use in implementing a wide variety of programs and initiatives, in addition to supporting the daily life of St. Edward High School. Not only are cash gifts highly effective in enhancing the school, but they also offer benefits to the donor and may be deductible on federal income tax returns. Each donor should consult with a tax adviser based on his or her individual circumstances. To make a gift by check or cash, please send to:


St. Edward High School

Institutional Advancement Office

13500 Detroit Road

Lakewood, OH 44107


Interested in recurring gift that is automatically deducted from your account or charged for you? Click here. 

Credit Cards 
Many donors prefer to pay by credit card to take advantage of various credit card promotions, such as frequent flyer miles and other reward programs. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. The same tax benefits apply.

Donors may make pledges to the Annual Fund payable by June 30. Donors also may spread certain major gift payments over a period of years. Many St. Edward supporters have made multi-year pledges to capital campaigns, endowment funds, and other special projects. Click here to print and complete St. Ed's Pledge Form to mail in a cash gift or pledge. 

St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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