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Beyond the Classroom


A St. Edward student's education does not depend solely on academics. A successful life expresses itself in more than the intellectual. St. Edward High School encourages many student activities in the hope of giving opportunities for wider associations among students and faculty. In addition, universities tend to look for young men who balance and round-out their personalities by participation in extra-curriculars.


  • Academic Challenge – Mrs. Ventura

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who compete against teams from other high schools in trivia competitions.

  • ​Environmental Club – Mrs. Martinez

    • ​This club includes students from all grade levels who promote environmental sustainability.

  • ​Entrepreneurship and Investment Club – Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Flynn

    • ​This club includes students from all grade levels who promote are interested in entrepreneurship, innovation, and data science and any students interested in learning about finance and the stock market.

  • French Club – Mrs. Gushue​​

    • This club is for students interested in developing deeper French language skills or learning about French culture.

  • ​Knights of the Tiber (Latin Club) – Mr. Cavoli and Mr. Knittel

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who participate in various Latin competitions and classics conventions throughout the state.

  • Men of Hope – Mr. Eddie

    • This group is for students who wish to learn soft skills to be successful in and outside of the classroom. Time is given to learn organizational skills so that they can complete assignments and also hear about topics such as motivation, discipline, and self–reliance.

  • ​Mock Trial – Mrs. Fairfield, Mrs. Hermann, and Mr. Weidig

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who compete against teams from other high schools in a rehearsed trial.

  • ​Model UN – Mr. Perrins, Mrs. Hilty, and Mr. Flynn

    • ​This club includes students from all grade levels who are interested in learning about the way in which the United Nations works. Students research a given country and present resolutions on given topics while at conferences.

  • ​National Honor Society – Mr. Allen and Mr. Wanner

    • ​This group includes senior and junior students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Service is displayed via a free tutoring service that is offered weekly by members of this group.

  • Pre-Med Society – Mrs. Nugent​

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who participate in simulations, guest lectures, and field trips that provide insight into careers in the medical or scientific fields.

  • ​Programming Club – Mr. Mortimer

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who learn various languages of computer code. That knowledge is then implemented by assisting the technology department with computer repair and maintenance as well as competition in computer programming competitions.

  • Random Things Club – Mr. Chrosniak 

    • This club invites students of all grade levels to learn and develop skills about anything. 

  • Robotics – Mr. Bocan and Ms. Glaros

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who build and compete in several competitions with robots that perform different tasks.

  • SETV – Mrs. Munnell and Mr. Fistek

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who want to create works of film and who are interested in creating, writing, and filming segments for SETV productions. 

  • Science Olympiad – Mrs. Sturgill, Mr. Puccini, and Mrs. Schilf

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who have a deep interest in the sciences. Students prepare as a team for competitions in subjects that include genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering, and technology.

  • Spanish National Honor Society – Mrs. Quinn and Ms. Turella 

    • This club includes students enrolled in Spanish classes who have been recognized for their exemplary academic achievement in the Spanish language and who work to promote interest in Hispanic studies.


Affinity Groups

  • AAPID – Ms. Watts

    • This group is for students of all grade levels who identify as Asian–American, Pacific Islander or Indian/Pakistani and students who want to learn more about those cultures.​

  • PRISM – Ms. Dennstedt and Mr. Urban

    • This group is dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community and their allies through our call as Catholics to love everyone treat them with dignity.

  • Muslim Student Association – Mr. Merriman

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who are interested in learning and sharing about the Islamic faith.

  • S.A.L.S.A. Club – Ms. Haikal and Ms. Turella

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who promote Hispanic culture through monthly activities. The acronym stands for Spanish and Latino Student Association. 

  • Student Diversity Association – Mr. Shahid and Mr. Eddie 

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who promote the understanding and acceptance of individuals regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socio–economic status, and religion.


Communication Arts

  • Edsman Newspaper – Mr. VanWhy and Mr. Raffin

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who write stories that cover the newsworthy activities of St. Edward High School, greater Cleveland, and our global community.

    • Visit to view the Edsman Newspaper

  • Edwardian Yearbook – Ms. Caywood

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who produce the annual, all–school book that chronicles all of the students, events, activities, and memories of the school year.

  • Flight Magazine – Mr. Urban

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who produce a yearly literary magazine that features student creative writing, photography and artwork, or any other product of student creativity worthy of publication.



  • Cross and Anchors Society – Mr. Wallenhorst, Mr. Ansberry and Mr. Williams (Senior Class); Ms. Dennstedt and Mr. Clark (Junior Class); Mr. VanWhy and Mr. Yako (Sophomore Class); and Mr. Barrett (Freshman Class)

    • These groups include students from each grade level who create and lead programming for their grade level or the entire student body. These elected members are seen as the official leaders of each grade level and are expected to foster harmonious relations throughout the school, enhance teacher–student relations, and promote school spirit.

  • Student Ambassadors – Mr. Kasl and Mrs. Pietch

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who are dedicated to the positive promotion of St. Edward High School. These students lead our visitors through the Edsman for a Day program, open houses, and other events throughout the year.


Performing Arts

  • Concert Band – Mr. Burr

    • This group includes students from all grades who play wind or percussion instruments during OMEA solo and ensemble events.

  • Edwardian Players – Mr. Hefner

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who participate in our fall and spring theater performances in principal roles or as a part of the ensemble. Acting, stage movement, singing, and dancing are all explored.

  • Guitar Club – Mr. Yako

    • A club dedicated to learning and developing guitar skills. For students of all grade levels. No prior experience required.

  • Jazz Combo – Mr. Michaels

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who play saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, bass, guitar, or drums at concerts and for special events.

  • Liturgical Choir – Mr. Michaels and Mr. Yako​

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who sing for liturgical services, holiday programs, concerts, and special events.

  • Marching Band – Mr. Burr

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who play a musical instrument or participate in the flag corps. The marching band performs at all home football games, band competitions, and in several parades.

  • Stage Crew – Mr. Goers

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who explore details of set design and construction, lighting, sound, and directing a show.



  • Beekeeping Club – Mrs. Hardin

    • This club cares for the bee colonies present on the St. Ed’s campus and harvests honey to sell to the community.

  • Chess Club – Mr. Tubbs

    • This club is dedicated to the game of Chess and allows students of all grades to enjoy it together.

  • Climbing Club – Mr. McPartland and Mr. Puccini

    • This activity is for students of all grade levels and experience levels to learn about rock climbing and be a part of a group that goes to local climbing gyms. 

  • ESports – Mr. Mertens

    • This club is for students of all grade levels and competes in ESport competitions.

  • Film Society – Mrs. Munnell and Mr. Fistek

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who have an avid interest in, knowledge of, and appreciation for films and movies.

  • Fishing Club – Mr. Barrett

    • This group is for students of all grades who are interested in fishing. Meet ups are organized and meetings happen during school.

  • Gardening Club– Mrs. Hardin

    • This activity is for students of any grade level to learn and develop gardening skills in the St. Edward Community Garden. All food grown in the garden goes to the St. Edward Community Meal.

  • Intramural Sports – Mr. Corrigan, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Levindofske, Mr. Marinucci, and Mr. Carson

    • This activity includes students from all grade levels who participate in club–level sports that are scheduled to take place during the community period. Offered sports include football, basketball, dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, soccer, and softball.

  • Living History Club – Mr. Chrosniak

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who join together in combat with medieval weapons that have been crafted using foam.

  • Ski Club – Mr. Barnewall

    • This club includes students from all grade levels who are skiing, snowboarding, and/or snowblading enthusiasts. The group will travel to Boston Mills one night a week for six weeks during the winter.

  • SneakerhEDS – Mr. Kuhar

    • This club is for any student who is interested in designing and creating shoes.

  • Table Top Gaming Club – Mr. Knittel

    • This club is for students of all grade levels who wish to learn new board games or to play board games they already know.​​



  • Student Ministers – Mr. Linnville and Mr. Kubrak

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who lead the faith programming of St. Edward High School.  These students assist in coordinating all masses, prayer services, and retreats.

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Mr. Becks, Mr. Kinley, and Mr. Corcoran 

    • This group includes students from all grade levels who share in faith, personal relationships, hospitality, and sports play. The four tenets of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes are integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence.




  • Baseball

  • Basketball

  • Bowling

  • Cross Country

  • Golf

  • Football

  • Ice Hockey

  • Indoor Track

  • Lacrosse

  • Rowing

  • Rugby

  • Soccer

  • Swim & Dive

  • Tennis

  • Track & Field

  • Volleyball

  • Wrestling

St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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