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Joining together in prayer at all-school liturgies is a central part of the spiritual life of St. Edward High School. Our community celebrates mass together roughly once a month during the school year, and priests from many different parishes and Diocesan offices are invited to celebrate mass and share time with the St. Edward High School community. 


Students have the opportunity to take an active role in liturgies throughout the school year. At each mass, students serve as lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, greeters, and sacristans. Student musicians and the St. Edward High School Choir provide the music ministry for all school liturgies.


Each year, a group of St. Edward High School seniors serve as Eucharistic Ministers for each of our all-school liturgies. These students attend a diocesan training as well as a day long retreat at St. Edward High School. These students also participate in a monthly spiritual formation program.


A typical yearly mass schedule:


August - Opening Liturgy

September - Mass celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the patron of the Congregation of Holy Cross

October - Mass celebrating the Feast of St. Edward the Confessor

November - Mass celebrating the Feast of All Saints Day 

December - Mass celebrating the beginning of the Advent Season and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

January - Mass celebrating Catholic Schools Week

February - Mass commemorating Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten Season

March - Mass celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph, the patron of the Brothers of Holy Cross

May - Baccalaureate Mass 

May - Closing Liturgy


In addition to our yearly all school masses, we also provide a number of prayer services, and prayer experiences for our student body throughout the school year:


Morning Prayer - On Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school, St. Edward High School seniors lead a prayer service for the entire school community. Our morning prayer is based on the readings of the day, and features a short reflection of the day’s Gospel. These reflections are prepared and delivered by our student leaders. 


Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Prayer Service and Award Ceremony - A prayer service commemorating the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. King. The St. Edward High School Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Award, which recognizes an individual whose work or activities help spread the message of non-violence, love and human dignity throughout our community is awarded at this annual prayer service.


Lenten Reconciliation Service - During the season of Lent all students are invited to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. As a part of their religion course, students participate in a communal reconciliation service, and are also able to receive the sacrament of reconciliation as a number of diocesan priests join us for the day to hear individual confessions.


Holy Week Prayer Service - Usually held the Wednesday of Holy Week, this all school prayer service provides a time for our entire school community to come together in prayerful contemplation of the death and resurrection of Jesus.


Sports Team Liturgies and Prayer Services - Faith formation, central to our St. Edward High School Mission, is also a vital part of the life of each of our sports teams, and our teams participate in regular prayer services and masses throughout their seasons.

St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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