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C.S.C. Loyalty Club

St. Edward High School is pleased to announce the formation of the C.S.C. Loyalty Club. The C.S.C. Loyalty Club honors the 196 Priests and Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross who have served St. Edward High School. Their loyalty to the Mission of St. Edward High School and the education of faith-filled, deserving young men has sustained the school’s standard of Excellence since it was founded in 1949. 


Today, loyal donors are the cornerstone of St. Edward High School’s success. The C.S.C. Loyalty Club celebrates loyal Alumni, Parents and Friends— champions of Excellence and one of the school’s most valued resources—whose Annual Fund support strengthens the foundation of our community. The C.S.C. Loyalty Club recognizes donors who have supported the Annual Fund for two or more consecutive years. 


St. Edward High School is grateful for the generous support of our 2022-2023 C.S.C. Loyalty Club. Members at 10+ years are listed HERE.


Check back soon for the updated list of our 2023-2024 C.S.C. Loyalty Club Members.




Q: How does someone become a C.S.C. Loyalty Club Member?

Membership in the C.S.C. Loyalty Club begins the fiscal year following one’s second consecutive gift to the Annual Fund and can be maintained with ongoing philanthropic support in each fiscal year. St. Ed’s fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30. 

Q: What is the Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is the school’s yearly program that seeks unrestricted gifts to support ongoing needs. Annual Fund gifts are critical to the overall health of the St. Ed’s. These unrestricted funds are used in every area — including academics, athletics, performing arts, service initiatives and financial aid. These funds facilitate innovative projects and programs and allow school leaders to respond to needs and opportunities as they arise.


Q: Why does giving every year matter?

When you make a gift every year, no matter the size, you demonstrate your continued dedication to St. Edward High School. Unrestricted gifts are vitally important because they provide long-term strength and stability. 

Q: Do gifts have to be a certain dollar amount?

No-we celebrate gifts of all sizes! What matters is consistent support of the Annual Fund. Donors should make a gift that is meaningful to them each and every year. Collective Annual Fund gifts from Alumni, Parents, Faculty, Staff and Friends enable St. Ed’s to continue to provide the best experience possible for its Edsmen. 


Q: Does Membership require an extra gift?

No, your regular Annual Fund gifts in consecutive years qualify you for membership in the C.S.C. Loyalty Club. 


Q: Are Holy Cross Society and Next Edsman Up Members eligible for the C.S.C. Loyalty Club?  

Yes, Holy Cross Society and Next Edsman Up Members make leadership-level gifts that are allocated to the Annual Fund.


Q: What happens if a donor misses a year?

Donors who miss even a single fiscal year of giving will experience a lapse in membership, which can only be reinstated with two or more consecutive years of support.

Q: How are C.S.C. Loyalty Club Members recognized?

Members will receive a C.S.C. Loyalty Club decal in the mail which we hope you will proudly display.  Members will also be recognized in the St. Edward Annual Report. Donors always retain the right to be anonymous members, and this does not affect their status in the C.S.C. Loyalty Club.



To find out if you qualify for the C.S.C. Loyalty Club or have any questions, please contact Amanda Zima 216.954.4281 or


Make your gift HERE to continue your membership or start your legacy of giving today!

St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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