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Best of the Week 2018-2019: Thanksgiving Edition


On Tuesday evening, St. Ed's Mothers' Club hosted a Mother/Son Service Night for mothers and their Edsmen to come together and make tied fleece blankets that will be donated to St. Ed's Labre Ministry and The Moriah House Family Shelter. "The Mother/Son Service Night has become an integral part of the Mothers' Club's involvement with the school," says Mrs. Sheila Gallagher, School Receptionist and Co-Moderator for St. Ed's Mothers' Club. "This event originally started as a way for mothers and their sons to spend time together and has grown to become a service project and volunteer opportunity for them to help those in need within the Lakewood community. This family-oriented project truly reflects our Holy Cross pillars of faith, relationships and servant leadership and is an example of how our St. Edward community takes pride in what they do."

This year, the Mothers' Club successfully increased their attendance from 40 guests in years past to 160 mothers and sons who made 92 blankets in total. "We came together as strangers uniting as a family to serve a greater purpose outside of ourselves," says Ms. Tracy Green who participated in the Mother/Son Service Night with her son Teon Smith '19. "I loved having that one-on-one time with my son, Andrew ('22), to really talk about who might benefit from these blankets that we made. It was very humbling for both of us," says Ms. Kathy Bushok, Vice President of St. Ed's Mothers' Club. "This project was a wonderful opportunity to serve our community in an entertaining and satisfying way. Being able to do it with my son, Sebastian ('21), was what made it all the more enjoyable experience," says Ms. Johanna Vanegas. "Working on making blankets together for the homeless was a tangible example of problem solving," says Ms. Solveig Elios. "My son, James ('22), and I enjoyed our time together, and also had moments to comment on the importance of helping others. We count our blessings and pray for God's blessings for others."

Ms. Kathleen Werling, the President of St. Ed's Mothers' Club, and her son, Louis ('21), reflected on this year's Mother/Son Service Night and the impact they made to help those in need. "Volunteering together helps our sons learn that they can make a positive difference in the lives of others," says Ms. Werling. "The time spent together making blankets also cultivates empathy and helps these young men learn to recognize their personal good fortune and blessings. Volunteering with our sons helps foster positive communication and strengthens bonds in ways nothing else can." Louis added, "My mom has always taught me to 'do with and not for.' Making blankets for those less fortunate is something that goes right along with her daily reminder. I loved doing this project with her and will always treasure the memories we made. I'm really looking forward to going out on Labre this week and seeing the smiles on the faces of our less fortunate brothers and sisters when we give them our blankets."

"This year's Mother/Son Service Night was a perfect reflection of our Holy Cross values," says Ms. Colleen Kiely, Associate VP of Institutional Advancement and Director of Parent Relations & Special Events. "It demonstrated service, family and compassion which are all words that come to mind when I think about Holy Cross values. Watching our St. Ed's moms and their Edsmen working together to help both our Labre Ministry and the Moriah House was a beautiful thing. It was yet another reminder of why I love being part of the St. Ed's Community."

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