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Best of the Week 2019-2020: Holy Cross Values



Congratulations to Adam Mocho '22 on receiving the National Catholic Education Association's Youth Virtue, Value and Vision Award for his service and outreach through St. Ed's Labre Ministry. Out of all the Catholic elementary and high schools in the country, Adam is one of ten students this year to receive this award, which recognizes students who go above and beyond the call to serve and who live out their school's mission. "This award is a great honor for Adam and our community. To be one of ten chosen out of the tens of thousands of nominations is really cool and well-deserved for him," says Campus Minister Ms. Cari White.

"I was very shocked and humbled when I heard that I received this award. This honor really means a lot to me," says Adam. "I know that when this information is made known to the public, people will know that I am a student at St. Edward High School. This opportunity allows me to share on a national level what St. Ed's Holy Cross values are all about and what every Edsman in our community, past and present, has done to serve as servant leaders."

Adam has been volunteering with St. Ed's Labre Ministry ever since the summer before his freshman year, spending time each week to help prepare and deliver food to those living in homeless camps throughout the city of Cleveland. To increase involvement, Adam has inspired his family, parents, siblings and grandparents to also volunteer with Labre, St. Ed's Food Pantry and other service ministries. Taking the initiative to go the extra mile, Adam would show up on holidays and days off school to help with any service opportunities going on. "I made the commitment to give up my time for the greater good, but I don't look at service as a waste of time. I enjoy everything about serving - it's more than just fulfilling a service requirement. I've received love and goodness from the people I serve," says Adam. "On Labre, I always have certain takeaways from each night that resonate with me and help me form relationships and connections with the people I meet. When I help with the Food Pantry, I always enjoy seeing familiar faces come through. I think the more you participate in service ministries, you begin to remember the faces you see and pretty soon, you see those faces in the community."

"Adam received this award because of his commitment to service, especially to those who are most marginalized in our society. He exemplifies what it means to be a servant leader because he is humble and consistently does for others in need," says Mr. Rick Kubrak '07, Director of Service and Outreach. "Last year, Adam went to St. Mark's and encouraged current students to be active and participate in homeless outreach like the Labre program. I actually had a student say he came on Labre this year because Adam stopped into his 8th grade class last year and encouraged him and his classmates to participate."

"Most of these programs wouldn't happen without Adam's insistence to volunteer and his family's help. His outreach has inspired younger students and adults within our community to volunteer and get involved as well," says Ms. White. "Adam's default is to put others before himself, and for someone so young to make that a priority is inspiring. Adam embodies the idea that 'a child shall lead them,' as he inspires everyone around him to see the face of Christ in those in need," says Ms. White.

"St. Ed's has instilled in me a desire to always serve and give back to our community. I will always continue to serve at St. Ed's even after I graduate," says Adam. "My service experiences have taught me things I'll never forget. Those experiences have shaped me into an entirely different person. I think my enjoyment of serving has rubbed off on my fellow classmates by showing them a different way to look at service. I've encouraged them to live out servant leadership and embody this year's theme, 'Go and Do Likewise.' Now in my sophomore year, it's my turn to heed this call and lead by example to motivate more students to get involved in service."

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