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Best of the Week 2020-2021: Holy Cross Values


This year, St. Edward High School has revamped many traditional opportunities and experiences for students to maintain safety and uphold COVID-19 protocol. Typically, the sophomore class service project requires students to travel out into the community to complete six service visits at a local charity or nonprofit. Students then reflect on their service with workbook reflections and presentations based on the Charisms of Holy Cross:

  • Filled with a spirit of hospitality

  • Committed to building positive relationships

  • Enlivened by zeal and tempered with humility

  • Bringing daily hope in the Cross of Christ

  • Trusting always in Divine Providence

To adhere to safety procedures, the sophomore class will complete all service work during their Theology classes which began this week on Tuesday. Students made hundreds of sandwiches for those at St. Herman's House of Hospitality, St. Malachi, The City Mission, Cosgrove Center, St. Augustine Hunger Center and for St. Ed's Labre program, packaged grocery bags for the Br. Andre's Place Food Pantry, and wrote letters of hope and hospitality to elderly residents at the Westerly Apartments in Lakewood.

In addition to revamping traditional service projects, St. Ed's has modified its outreach ministries to adhere to safety procedures. St. Ed's monthly Community Meal is now a "to-go" meal, served from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month, as opposed to our traditional sit-down meal. The Br. Andre's Place Food Pantry is now held on the fourth Wednesday of every month to coincide with the Community Meal so guests only need to visit campus once for both programs. To make things easier and safer for guests, pre-packaged grocery bags are given to guests with their "to-go" dinner. The grocery bags for the upcoming Food Pantry were packaged by our sophomore students this week.

To also assist the more vulnerable population, St. Ed's has created a delivery model for the Food Pantry and Community Meal, delivering 100 meals and 100 bags of groceries to the Westerly Apartments for residents who are considered high risk. Through their work and service, the sophomore class contributed their time and efforts to helping St. Ed's outreach program in providing food and hospitality to those most in need amidst the pandemic.

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St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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