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Best of the Week 2021-2022: Holy Cross Values


In honor of National Police Week, St. Edward High School illuminated the exterior of campus in blue to honor the work and sacrifice of our local police officers as well as all law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community. Lakewood Police Department Resource Officer Todd Allen had requested St. Ed's raise our American flag at half mast for National Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15, but St. Ed's wanted to do more in honor of the officers who help keep our community safe. "I thought about how we could better honor the Lakewood Police who help us so much. We recently purchased some waterproof lights for events and thought it would be a great idea to light up our building in blue all week long for Police Memorial Week," says John Goers '78, Associate VP of Buildings and Grounds. "After checking with President Jim Kubacki and Principal KC McKenna '00, I asked Corey Farr '12 and Michael Kane '21, to install the lights on Sunday afternoon. I let Officer Allen know what the plan was, but we kept it a surprise for the Lakewood Police Department." The St. Ed's community would like to especially thank the following Lakewood police officers who give of their time and service every week to keep us safe and protected at St. Ed's: Rob Abujaradeh, Todd Allen, Justin Bly, Ron Bunner, Frank Eschweiler, Steve Fioritto, Rick Ginley, Josh Greear, Chris Hayes, Daniel Hilfiker, Brittany Hutchinson, Justin Jameson, Kelsey Johnson, Dave Kappa, Kevin Kohuth, Ryan Lavelle, Gary Malloy, William McCarthy, Don Mladek, Bob Moher, Pat Mullen, Jeff Roda, and Jon Schmitz '99.

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St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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