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Best of the Week 2022-2023: Excellence in College Prep


St. Edward High School hosted its very own Model United Nations Conference (CLEIMUN23) last week, welcoming over 250 delegates from 16 middle and high schools across northeast Ohio. This conference offers a high quality hybrid Model UN experience, combining different Model UN operating procedures used on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. Uniquely, CLEIMUN23 combines both traditional committee debate with a General Assembly Crisis Scenario, where delegates work together to solve a larger problem rather than limiting their time to working in their specific committees.

Led by Joint Secretaries-General Brian Clark '23 and William Perrins '23, a very strong and experienced Student Leadership Team ran the entire conference with guidance from CLEIMUN23 Director Michael Perrins, Andreas Payne and Richard Haslam from MUNiverse Inc. from the United Kingdom, and St. Ed's alum Anthony Perrins '18. "I believe that by promoting greater understanding of global awareness and international issues and seeking ways to recognize the wide diversity of opinions, cultures and approaches worldwide by developing active means of collaboration are key developmental life skills which Model UN brings to the forefront," says Michael Perrins. "All challenges are worth an experience that broadens the mind and encourages individuals to go outside their comfort zone. Watching St. Ed's Model UN Student Secretariat Leadership Team take shape, take control and fly was my favorite part of this year's conference."

Congratulations to St. Ed's CLEIMUN23 award winners including Ryan Vaziri '25 (Honorable Mention as representative of New Zealand in Human Rights Commission), Carter Riordan '26 (Highly Commended as the representative of Sweden in the Economic & Environment Committee), and Bryce Kitching '25 (Highly Commended as the representative of New Zealand in the Disarmament & International Security Committee).

Work is already underway in planning the CLEIMUN24 Conference, with the appointment of Lukas Kucera '24 as next year's Joint Secretary-General and Baird Bracken '24 and Aiden Bruder '24 as Joint Deputy Secretaries General. Congratulations to all student delegates on a successful CLEIMUN23 Conference at St. Edward High School.

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St. Edward High School    |    13500 Detroit Avenue   |    Lakewood Ohio 44107   |    216.221.3776

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